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Showing posts from June, 2021

Hijab in Islam is not due to sexual obsession

Question: I am curious about the coverings that you have to wear if you're a female in your religion/culture. it really does all seem very vain for us that are Christian because it implies that a woman thinks every man wants her if she is not wearing this type of garb. it also seems that men are not to be trusted with someone from your culture/religion because of the "beauty" that you feel you possess, but people could be beautiful, and not every man wants them. can you shed some light on this for me? I will be honest and say that when I see someone wearing this, I always think "how vain are you?". thank you ahead of time for replying. Answer: Praise be to Allah. First of all we would like to thank you for your frankness, the clarity of your question and your search for an answer. We hope that you will find the answer in these few lines we write.  We will begin our answer by posing a question, which we would like you to answer, then after that our point will bec...

Being a Muslim Woman, how must they wear their attire to say that she is a Muslim woman?

Scholars have specified the requirements of the Muslim woman's proper dress before al-ajaanib (lit. foreigners, i.e., those to whom marriage is permissible) from both the Glorious Qur'an and the sunnah. Once a woman adheres to such conditions, she can wear whatever she likes and go out into public places so far as her hijab complies with Islamic law. A summary of the requirements are as follows: 1: It should cover the whole body. 2: It should be thick enough, i.e. non-transparent or translucent. 3: It should be loose and not tight on her body. 4: It should not be decorated or ornate such as to attract onlookers. 5: It should not be perfumed. 6: It should not be considered libaas al-shuhrah. 7: It should not resemble the dress of men. 8: It should not resemble the dress of the unbelievers. 9: It should not bear crosses or depictions of anything with a soul (humans, animals, etc). This is a summary of the requirements according to the Islamic shari'ah.